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All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

  • Mini Melbourne

    Mini Melbourne

    Created for DET and RPV as part of the Metro Tunnel Project.
  • Animal Cell Tour

    Animal Cell Tour

    Created to support my own students learn the organelles of cells in a new and interesting way.
  • Sheepish Probability

    Sheepish Probability

    Created for my own students to teach them about probability.
  • Level Up Rail Safety

    Level Up Rail Safety

    Created for Transport for New South Wales.
  • Kids Building Future Healthy

    Kids Building Future Healthy

    Created in partnership with VicHealth, Monash University and Dr Bronwyn Stuckey.
  • Contour Maps

    Contour Maps

    Created to support my own students in their understanding of contour maps.
  • Archaeology Adventure

    Archaeology Adventure

    Created as part of Mini Melbourne's original release.
  • Mini Melbourne

    Mini Melbourne

    Created for DET and RPV as part of the Metro Tunnel Project.
  • Animal Cell Tour

    Animal Cell Tour

    Created to support my own students learn the organelles of cells in a new and interesting way.
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A pack developed to support managing students in the world of Minecraft: Education Edition. Provides easy options for removing the most common distractions in classrooms, as well as a ‘freeze’ command if needed.

With the upcoming release of Minecraft:Education Edition 1.17, we are completely revamping this pack to have even more functionality, and to make it even easier to use. When available it can be downloaded from here. There will also be a video explaining how to install and use it, as well as a spreadsheet that explains the new features, holds all the instructions and commands, and if you download, you can record your custom controls for future reference.

New features include a toggleable ability for players to set home and teleport back at any time, simpler initial setup, the ability to freeze individual players rather than everyone in world and some small performance tweaks.

This behaviour pack is built by teachers for teachers. If there is something you come across regularly in your classrooms, that this doesn’t help with, let us know via the contact us page, and we will see what we can do to help resolve your issues in a future update.

The original pack is still available for download from here, the video explaining how to use it is here and finally the instruction sheet is available here.

What We Do With Minecraft

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